Our JR Honduran and Nicaraguan Alternatives are part of a groundbreaking line of premium cigars that launched JR Cigar to stardom when they were first introduced in the mid 1970’s. Just like their Cuban and Dominican counterparts, JR Honduran and Nicaraguan Alternatives are expertly handmade using the same or similar premium tobaccos found in the original brand offerings , and many times are made in the exact same factory. Furthermore, by packaging these JR Alternative cigars in no frill’s bundles of 20 right in our warehouse, as opposed to costlier fancy boxes, we can pass the savings onto you. If you love bolder cigars from Excalibur, Rocky Patel, Hoyo de Monterrey, Punch , Perdomo, CAO and La Gloria Cubana, just to name a few , our JR Honduran and Nicaraguan Alternatives will offer the same great flavors and flawless construction for a very wallet friendly price. Find your favorite JR Honduran and Nicaraguan Alternatives, sold exclusively here at JR Cigar, and fill your humidor with an assortment of famous brands for a mere pennies on the dollar.