4.428571428571429 14
Torpedo The Padron 1964 Anniversary Series Torpedo like all other padrons is amazing great flavor transitions 5 5 1
Torpedo Starting out this cigar held a great amount of anticipation before it was even lit. I had smoked a 1964 Aniversary that was just rolled differently about 20 years ago. This cigar was so tasty when I lit it. And very smooth as hell. It reminded me of the cigar I smoked way back in my youth. Even 20 years later and they still taste the same. That’s some serious consistency. I’m totally impressed with the geniuses (I’m not using that word lightly) at Padron. From the ones who are choosing the tabacco leaves the ones who keep the environments under control for the tabacco to age correctly to the ones who roll the cigars so expertly. The draw was excellent all the way through and burnt perfectly. The flavor definitely gets stronger as it’s smoked and might not be right for a cigar beginner. Don’t get me wrong everyone will enjoy the first 3/4 of this cigar but I think only enthusiasts will appreciate the last part of it. Of course this is only my opinion. I definitely enjoyed this cigar all the way through and I believe most people will agree with me. The person who rolled my cigar did an excellent job with no unrolling at all during smoking. Most cigars unroll a little bit (some more than others) by the end but this one stayed tight till I threw it in my yard (thank God cigar butts are biodegradable). I would rate this awesome cigar at 96. I keep going back and forth from 96 to 97. 96 seems just a pinch low but if I give it a 97 there’s not a lot of room left at the top. Screw it I changed my mind. I give it a 97. It really is that great of a smoke. 5 5 1
Torpedo I love the Cuban Monte Cristo #2... but if I can't have that I want this. Even if I can have the MC#2 I would still switch it up with this. This is the go to cigar for me. 5 5 1
Torpedo While I personally don't love the torpedo snap I make an exemption with this one as it continues to reign as a fantastic cigar. 5 5 1
Torpedo Was my go to favorite all around cigar still kind of is but have been enjoying some of the other 64's lately as well. I've never had a bad 64 or 26 they're just a cut above in my opinion always 5 stars all around. 5 5 1
Torpedo This Padron In this format Looks amazing! One of the Best! I really recommend and In my opinion 9/10 4 5 1
Torpedo 1964 torpedo is so smooth flavor wise and draw wise. Torpedos do a great job of focusing flavor on the pallate so you get to enjoy the deep flavors this cigar has even more. 5 5 1
Torpedo The Torpedo size is a favorite of mine. I got pepper wood and aged tobacco tastes out of mine 5 5 1
Torpedo i was not a big fan of these ive tried many of these in torpedo just not my cup of tea just yuck 2 5 1
Torpedo The shape is not one or should I say this size is not one that o tend to have but still good 5 5 1
Torpedo Padron Is Known Far ANd Wide For Making QualitY Sticks . If You LikE Torpedos You Might Really Want To Consider This One. 5 5 1
Torpedo "Padron" is all you need to know. 5 5 1
Torpedo Kinda dry 1 5 1
Torpedo 1964 my favorite and the torpedo my favorite style. Draw is a bit tight on the torpedo in the first 1/3 but is to be expected. The Padron single cap is also not a concern with the torpedo which is another plus. For the price performs as expected. 5 5 1

Padron Maduro 1964 Anniversary Series

Torpedo Maduro 6 × 52 PD64T3

The natural-wrapped version of the Padron 1964 Anniversary Series Topedo was rated an astounding 91 by Cigar Aficionado and this maduro version is just as great. Packed with full, rich, earthy, and nutty flavors that are accompanied by warm pleasant notes of java, cocoa, and spice, these box-pressed masterpieces were created to honor 30 years of the legendary Padron family making some of the best cigars in the world. They are packed in a box of 20 and available at JR Cigar.
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