With so many premium and outstanding cigars on the market, why choose the H. Upmann 180th Anniversary Limited Edition?
H. Upmann boasts a legacy of excellence and honors a rich heritage. For more than a century, the brand has been behind some brilliant blends, renowned for its premium cigars since 1844. The cigar is unique crafted with 100% Nicaraguan tobacco, including a rare medio tiempo wrapper, adding strength and complexity to the blend. This is through an expert team up developed by Rafael Nodal in collaboration with AJ Fernandez, two of the most respected names in the cigar industry. The cigar is also an exclusive, a limited edition release that is handmade in Nicaragua, ensuring impeccable craftsmanship and elite quality.
Originally founded by Herman Upmann in 1844 in Cuba, H. Upmann has built a reputation beyond reproach, crafting premium cigars captivating both classic and contemporary cigar aficionados alike the breadth of the spectrum. This limited-edition release is super special as it commemorates 180 years of excellence, a tribute to one of the oldest and most celebrated cigar brands in the world with a unique and powerful blend.
AJ Fernandez, of course, does not disappoint. Featured is an all-Nicaraguan blend expertly draped with a Nicaraguan medio tiempo wrapper. Smokers can expect a bold, full-bodied cigar. However, what would it be without the AJ’s signature touch? Though a powerhouse cigar he ensures it is not overpowering. Instead, it finds consistent and harmonious balance, smooth through and through with a flavor profile lush in notes of cedar and earth rounded out by spice on the finish. Although, it is suggested that one should still enjoy a fine meal before sparking up one of these beautiful smokes!
The commemorative cigar is available in one size only, a 7x50 Churchill and is available in 10ct boxes with production limited to only 5,000 boxes.
Elevate your collection with the H. Upmann 180th Anniversary Limited Edition. It is a must-have for any cigar aficionado where the combination of expertise and passion for creating exceptional cigars delivers an unparalleled and unforgettable experience setting the cigar apart from the competition. Not to mention its rich heritage, unique blend, and limited availability make it a prized addition to any collection.
JR Cigar is your premier and one stop destination for industry’s most finest cigars and high quality cigar accessories at reasonable and affordable prices. Shop with us online today and order to experience the robust and complex flavors that only a premium, limited-edition cigar can deliver and at a price only JR can provide.