5.0 1
Toro A flawlessly constructed very flavorful cigar. Except the $30/ Stick price tag. 5 5 1

Davidoff Millennium Blend Series

Toro 6 × 50 DAMT

Packed in boxes of 10, the Davidoff Millennium Blend Series Toro is a 6 x 50 handmade premium luxury cigar expertly crafted in a shape that showcases the intense roasted characteristics and sweet, aromatic notes of the Millennium Blend's top-quality recipe of Dominican long-filler leaf finished with a lush and impossibly rich-looking Ecuador wrapper.

The Davidoff Millennium Blend Series Toro cigar displays a bold medium-to-full-bodied strength profile conveying an underlying earthy creaminess with hints of white-pepper spice. Like all cigars from Davidoff's Millennium Blend Series, the Toro is robust yet refined, and a popular choice for seasoned cigar smokers searching for classic style when buying handmade premium luxury cigars online.

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Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic



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