
Cigar Humidors

100-Count Diamond Crown The Birch 3DCB100

Introducing the Diamond Crown The Birch 100-Count Cigar Humidor. Known for blending premium cigars, the Diamond Crown line made its debut in 1995 to commemorate J.C. Newman Cigar Co.’s 100th anniversary starting its endeavor into the world of prestigious accessories. Since then, the brand has been celebrated for its dedication to tradition, quality, and excellence within the cigar industry. Presented here is a testament to this notion. Coming to us as part of their Woodland series, which is inspired by forests and the natural world, this is one of Diamond Crown's renowned humidors. The Birch humidor is a limited edition release that fits up to 100 cigars. Its interior features Spanish cedar lining ensuring the best humidity to keep your cigars in optimal condition. Shop JR Cigars for a high quality humidor to keep all your prized and premium smokes safe today.
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