JR Auctions FAQ
Click on a question to find out more. If you can't find what you're looking for, you can contact us. We'd love to help!
What is JR Cigar Auction?
JR Cigar Auction is an online auction that allows the user to bid on a number of premium cigars to get them at discounted prices. When all of the bids are in and the auction has ended, the system will select the highest bidder and assign them as the winner. The winner of each auction will be notified by email.
You must be logged in to your JRCigars.com account to bid. If you don't have an account yet, you can create one by clicking here to create one.
How do I use "Sort Current Auction by" feature?
Our new sorting feature has been divided into four categories: Search, Product Type, Cigar Brands, and Wrapper Color. These pull down menu results will only have options in them if an item with that criteria is a current auction. For Example: If a box of H.Upmann is not in a current auction, then H. Upmann will not show up in the Cigar Brands list.
The search menu offers users to search for current auctions by item code and by auction ID number.
What is "Max Bid Amount?"
This new feature was added to make bidding more convenient and less time consuming for our users. Now, whenever you place a bid on an item, you can enter the maximum amount you are willing to pay for it- and forget about it until the auction ends ... well almost.
Once you click the "confirm bid" button, our system will compare your bid with other bids for the same item, then the system places a bid for you using only as much of your "Max Bid Amount" necessary to make your bid the highest bid. Of course, if someone else has already bid a higher amount, you will not be the highest bidder.
We will notify you of this via email, and if you decide that you might be willing to spend a bit more, you can increase your "MaxBid Amount" simply by bidding again.
Once you are the highest bidder, our system will keep bidding for you (in increments of 25 cents) up to your "Max Bid Amount,"every time someone else bids on that item. This means you don't have to keep coming back to re-bid every time another bid is placed.
What if someone else bids more than my "Max Bid Amount?"
Just as before, we will send an email (to the email address that is your JRCigars.com online account name) to let you know that you have been outbid. You may then enter a new "Max Bid Amount." If it is higher than the Max Bid Amount of the current winner, the process of automatic bids begins again.
Will other bidders know what I have entered as my "Max Bid Amount?"
No. We keep this amount hidden from other bidders, so only you know your "Max Bid Amount." You will also get an email confirming the amount after you place your bid.
Do bids have to be in whole dollar amounts?
No. Due to the upgrades we have made to the system, you can now bid any amount you want to as long as it is at least 1 cent higher than the current Highest Bid (minimum raise lowered from $1.00) - or the opening bid if you are the first bidder.
What if my email address has changed?
If you have an old or invalid email address as your account name, you will not get this email, unless you modify your account. You should always make sure all of the information on your account is up-to-date
Why can I log into my account, but not the auction?
If you are sure that you have used the correct account name and password, in all probability this is a problem with cookies that have been set in your browser. Delete or clear all of your cookies.
What time zone is used?
All auctions start and end in the EST.
Each auction will display a start and end time.
- Date format: mm/dd/yy
- Time format: hh:mm
- For example, Start Time: 06/22/05 - 10:00 PM EST
Auction bids will display dates and times. Time will be in hh:mm:ss format.
How will I know if I won the auction?
You have two avenues of information. First, we will notify you by email. Also, you can log in to account services and choose "Won Auctions" from the "My Auctions" tab. Your auction page will also show you which, if any, auctions you have won or lost.
How do I follow the status of my bids online?
You can view the bid history on each auction item that you bid on. In addition, you can log in through My Account and choose "My Bids" from the "My Auctions" tab. The items you are currently bidding on will be displayed.
Why didn't I get an email telling me I won?
There can be several reasons:
- You are not using your email address as your JRCigars.com account name. - Log in and correct / modify your account name.
- You have an old, unused, or invalid email address as your JRCigars.com account name. - Log in and correct / modify your account name.
- Your email provider does not accept emails from addresses they have deemed as possible spam. - Contact your provider to allow our emails to enter your mailbox.
- Your mailbox was full and the message could not be delivered. - Check with your provider.
How do I get the auction item I won?
We have provided two ways to complete your auction order:
- The email notifying you that you have won will have a direct link to pick up your item online.
- Also, you can login to account services (accessed through the My Account menu option) and choose "Won Auctions" from the "My Auctions" tab. There will be a link for you to pick up your item online.
When must I pick up my winning auction item?
You have 5 days to pick up your winning auction item(s) online. If you have not picked up your won item for 5 days after that auction ended, we will automatically charge your credit card and complete your auction order. All orders completed automatically will be sent by U.S. Post Office.
If I have won more than one auction, can the items be shipped together?
You can pick up multiple winning auction items at the same time from your "My Auctions" page and have them shipped on the same order.
How will my auction items ship?
Once you have your auction item in your shopping cart, it is just like any other order. There are no additional shipping restrictions imposed for auction items.
Can I add additional items to my auction order?
Yes, after you have your auction item in your shopping cart, you can continue shopping on JRCigars.com for more items that you want to purchase before checking out.
Can I combine my auction wins with other promotions?
No. Auction items are independent of any other deals, sale prices, or coupons offered on the website or in the catalog. Auction wins may not be combined with any other promotion as the prices are for auction wins are already being discounted.
After winning an auction, under what circumstances can I lose the auction item?
Your auction item will be lost if:
- you use an invalid credit card
- the credit card transaction is declined for any reason
- you are committing fraud
Your bid will be removed and the next highest bidder will be notified that they have won the auction.
How do I use the Auction Watch List?
The Auction Watch List is a feature to help you watch an auction item(s). When you add an auction item to your auction watch list, you will be notified by email when another customer bids on the auction item(s) you have selected. This will help you to watch and place your bid when the price is right for you.
You can add an auction to your watch list by clicking the "Add to watchlist button" on each specific Auction Item Detail page.
To remove an auction from your watchlist,
- click the "remove from watch list" button in the specific Auction Item Detail page or
- click the "delete" icon found in the "My JR Auction" section of the My Account services page, plus
- a day after the "watched" Auction ends, it is automatically removed from your watch list.