4.1625 80
Magnifico I have smoked these in the past they have a really tasty and aromatic wrapper and they burn nice and even 5 5 1
Magnifico It is a good solid stick to enjoy with whiskey and friends. Super smooth and enjoyable with decent smoke output. 4 5 1
Magnifico Magnifico is a magnificent old school smoke. Full body without bitterness or bite. Tight dense roll with a firm draw and perfect burn Actually weight is more than the new style EZ drawing cigars 5 5 1
Magnifico A medium to full bodied stick. nice and flavorful. a nice smooth draw. no issues with burn or construction. 5 5 1
Magnifico Always my favorite goto stick for a special occasion not for the faint of heart only for the seasoned smoker enjoy! 4 5 1
Magnifico What can i say but this is my most favorite go to smoke. Whether ridung down the road or around a fire this dark rich stick is the chit. 5 5 1
Magnifico Sometimes they are very good but half the time they taste like a 2.00 cigar. Come on Partagas where's your quality control. 2 5 1
Magnifico This is a very unique cigar that I've been enjoying for many years. It is very hard to describe the flavor but if you are a fan of strong cigars they are well worth trying. The things that stand out the most to me with this brand are the legendary Partagas quality and the very unique wrapper. An excellent smoke! 5 5 1
Magnifico This has been one of my go to after dinner full bodied smokes for over a decade. Not overwhelming in my opinion pairs great with bourbon or scotch. Boneshaker is going to take their place in my humidor for awhile (try those and see why) but I know I'll still enjoy them from time to time because Partagas Cigars will always have a permanent place in my cigar smoking heart 4 5 1
Magnifico The Partagas Black Label Magnifico is proof that a full-strength cigar doesn't have to be harsh. It's the best cigar I've ever smoked. I can't detect such subtleties as hints of coffee and chocolate in a cigar. If I want hints of coffee and chocolate I'll stir my Nescafe with a Hershey bar. It's enough to say that a Partagas Black has a fine rich flavor with creamy thick smoke. Nine out of ten I've smoked have a great draw and an even burn. That one out of ten with the difficult draw is easily fixed by carefully pushing an ice pick along the longitudinal axis. They're made mostly by hand after all so there will be some variation. Zino Davidoff said you should put your cigar out when you've smoked about two-thirds of it. Zino probably never smoked a Partagas Black Label Magnifico. My Magnifico's flavor lasts until the cigar starts to burn my lips. Then I reluctantly extinguish it. But I have the next one to look forward to. 4 5 1
Magnifico My favorite. Great taste very consistent. I find myself going back to them again and again. Extra Oscuro very tasty as well. If you haven't tried them you should! 5 5 1
Magnifico Good flavor good draw but ... 20 cigars in a box and 15 burn unevenly. Shouldn't a $4.50 Partagas (including shipping) burn evenly? I know how to clip a cap and light a cigar. These burn much less evenly than the Partagas I used to smoke. Be warned. 3 5 1
Magnifico Good everyday cigar. It's on the strong side but that's how I like em. The cap tends to fall off on some midway through. Need to keep the wrapper moist to avoid this problem. 3 5 1
Magnifico These cigars are obviously my favorite. They are not nearly as consistently produced as they were even 3-4 years ago but I still love them. 5 5 1
Magnifico The Magnifico Black label is a truly timeless great smoke. Lots of flavor down to the nub. Great for sneaking a quick smoke in, satisfies quickly! I bought a 5 pack and have 2 left. Didn't have any draw problems yet. 5 5 1
Magnifico Full bodied excellant cigar. 5 5 1
Magnifico This is a great cigar. A few years ago the JR operator recommended this fine cigar. At a much more reasonable price then! Still my favorite everyday cigar. The only downside is the new label!! Terrible design and idea!! Maybe they’ll go back to the Classy old design. 5 5 1
Magnifico Not full bodied; went out before I was done; too loosely rolled; 3 5 1
Magnifico I love this cigar. The bad reviewers probably smoked theirs upon arrival. You have to keep them in a well maintained humidor for 3 to 4 weeks. Then you'll give them 5 Stars! Remember, these are classified "Bold". A good Partagas medium substitute would be Gold Label. If you're a beginner, I suggest Rocky Patel Connecticut or Corojo. Same for Punch. Those are mellow to medium but flavorful. Great in their own right. Partagas Black Label stands with the best Oscurros! Not for the timid! 5 5 1
Magnifico I wish the flavor was more consistent. 1 out of 5 cigars have the taste I am after. 4 5 1
Magnifico JR Cigar needs to get better at their on-line ordering system. And they should give repeat monthly customers like me $708/month) a break on shipping. Charging $10.99 for USPS delivery is not right. USPS does a timely delivery but one would think JR would give a longtime repeat customer such as myself a little better break! 4 5 1
Magnifico Very good cigar 5 5 1
Magnifico This is a cigar that I have smoked for a long time and is a very good smoke. Unfortunately, it consistently varies in size. It is suppose to be a 54 but usually it is a 51 to a 53. This is the only cigar that I buy that varies so much. How about some quality control? 4 5 1
Magnifico What a powerhouse this is. Strong, mighty, and most of all tasty. It makes for a nice evening smoke. These will be a new addition to my humidors both at home and on the road. 5 5 1
Magnifico I 5 5 1
Magnifico Nice full bodied cigar, but two duds out of 8 so far. Horrible draw. Unsmokable. 3 5 1
Magnifico One of the best cigars I’ve had. 5 5 1
Magnifico Nearly half the cigars in the box had knots in or near the beginning. Very poor draw at the start. I will not buy again and would not recommend. 1 5 1
Magnifico I love how smooth this cigar smokes. It's the perfect cigar after a meaty dinner. Like having a cappuccino and cannoli. 5 5 1
Magnifico Great smoke and the flavors come through the construction and burn is right on. ENJOY a cigar good to the nub. 5 5 1
Magnifico This is the first time I tried this stick. I read the negative reviews but figured I'd give it a try anyway. Sadly the negative reviews were dead on accurate. I bought a five pack of these. The first one I smoked was an awful experience. The draw was terrible the burn inconsistent and required several re-lights. It was honestly a torment as the quality of the filler was great with a great taste but the draw and burn were a nightmare. It was honestly quite the tease. A great flavor that I had to fight to enjoy. There were a few dreadful knots near the head of the stick that I just couldn't get out. Sure enough like the other reviews 3 of the 4 remaining sticks have the same knots in the same place as the 1st so I'm sure they'll be equally annoying. If you don't mind only getting about 1/5 good sticks for your money I'd stay away. Too bad because it was a great taste. 2 5 1
Magnifico This has a very inconsistent draw. I find myself having to relight multiple times before the smoke is over. 3 5 1
Magnifico Cigar was very good and had lots of flavor! I would highly recommend this cigar to someone looking to enjoy an hour or so on a Friday or Saturday night after dinner. 4 5 1
Magnifico These are a staple in my humidor full flavor rich smoke a daily smoke or a nice special occasion not for the beginners great deal of complex flavors. Great smoke only 1 of 20 had burn issues. 4 5 1
Magnifico Awful...... Wouldn't stay lit. Horrible draw. Won't purchase again 1 5 1
Magnifico Was looking for a change of pace from my usual (La Gloria No. 7 Maduro) and this filled the bill. Good draw and construction. Really liked the flavor but burn was a bit inconsistent from cigar to cigar. I will probably reorder at some point. 4 5 1
Magnifico I have ordered over the last couple years 100 boxes of these. They have become very inconsistent and sometimes harsh flavor with inconsistent draw. I will be switching . 2 5 1
Magnifico Tobacco is on the harsh side. Should be better for the price asking. Half the time they burn uneven. ! out of five is good. 2 5 1
Magnifico I've smoked 12 of the 20 sticks. Five of the 12 were unsatisfactory in that they burned unevenly. One burn looked like the state of New Hampshire it was so bad. One required numerous relights; I gave up after half way - it was like a lump of coal where the burn stopped. One oddity amongst these bad burns: the label had an overall green tinge. While the wrapper is spicy I rated this smoke as below par. 2 5 1
Magnifico These are by far my favorite cigars. You should also try the cifuentes by Partagas . These cigars are great with a nice ice cold beer on a hot summer day. 5 5 1
Magnifico Good flavor good draw but ... 20 cigars in a box and 15 burn unevenly. Shouldn't a $4.50 Partagas (including shipping) burn evenly? I know how to clip a cap and light a cigar. These burn much less evenly than the Partagas I used to smoke. Be warned. 3 5 1
Magnifico Excellent service via internet. Your phone app is having technical difficulty. Thanks 5 5 1
Magnifico Fine after dinner smoke 4 5 1
Magnifico Good, rich flavor, great moisture, smokes cool. Construction usually very good although the wrapper loosens occasionally. Very good value. My favorite. 4 5 1
Magnifico Great bold cigars. 5 5 1
Magnifico I received the Partagas Black Label Bravos by mistake. Your customer service assisted me with the correct Macnifico! They were very helpful and efficient! 5 5 1
Magnifico Haven’t had one since fall because Chicago winters are not conducive to outside cigar smoking. First one lit put a smile on my face. Man, I missed you! 5 5 1
Magnifico They advertise the old Partagas black in the picture but sell you the new Partagas black crystal cigar instead. The crystal is not a bad cigar but I’m pissed at the false advertising! 1 5 1
Magnifico I purchase on a regular basis. Good flavor, draw and construction. 5 5 1
Magnifico I love it 5 5 1
Magnifico Oily, very dark Connecticut broadleaf wrapper. Smells nice. I would recommend putting them in your humidor to get some humidity back after shipping. I smoked one of my five pack a few days after they arrived and it was slightly dry but still a great cigar. I’m sure they will be much better when brought back to proper humidity. 4 5 1
Magnifico This used to be a great cigar but the quality has gone downhill in recent years. Inconsistent draws, poor wrapper adhesion and runners plague this smoke. Still a pretty good , strong smoke at an adequate price just a shadow of what it used to be. 3 5 1
Magnifico Very strong smoke for my palate. Thoroughly enjoyed when paired with a Founder's Backwoods Bastard. 4 5 1
Magnifico Nice draw with a consistent burn and long ash. This is a good smoke from beginning to end. 5 5 1
Magnifico A pleasure! Full, dark and luscious! Perfect for after a big meal, or when relaxing after a long day! Not for the novice or faint of heart! Rich, strong and flavor fill. Notes of spice, pepper and delicious aroma! I recommend it to all seasoned cigar buffs! 5 5 1
Magnifico This has been my smoke of choice for over 10+ years. Strong, full of flavour and lots of smoke. Well constructed, consistant in its quality. Nice draw in a dark oily wrapped thats perfect for the experienced smoker.This is an hour and a half of pure enjoyment. 5 5 1
Magnifico I stumbled onto these when I purchased 1 a the cigar shop. I was so surprised when I sat down to smoke it, 👌! I then got a 5 pack from jr and is my all time favorite, consistent burn, flavor. They say its a medium body but the flavor can swing up to full. Great cigar! 5 5 1
Magnifico Fairly consistent , medium to robust flavor. An all around good value 4 5 1
Magnifico Excellent 5 5 1
Magnifico The cigars in this box are hard and dry. The wrapper peels upon cutting and some are hard to keep lit. Disappointing since Partagas has always been a quality smoke prior to this box purchase. 3 5 1
Magnifico Nice full flavor and got lots of compliments on the smell when smoking it. No problems with the burn or draw lots of smoke and smoked it down to the nub without the cigar getting hot. 5 5 1
Magnifico Magnifico is the best if you like a stronger smoke, especially the last half. Really good. 5 5 1
Magnifico Partagas Black Label is a bold, flavorful smoke. 5 5 1
Magnifico Great strong cigar 5 5 1
Magnifico Great smoke. Smell good 5 5 1
Magnifico Only problem I have with this cigar is the Draw. The ball end is very tight to hard to roll to loosen, outer wrap crumbles when you try this method, i usually poke a hole and draws good. 4 5 1
Magnifico I love it but litte strong the pics it’s not to bad 5 5 1
Magnifico This is one of my favorite cigars that I keep in rotation with at least one box a month. Full of flavor and consistency. This one ‘never’ lets me down. 5 5 1
Magnifico Great smoke love it. 5 5 1
Magnifico Partagas Black Label Magnifico the GO TO cigar! Always consistent make, roll and taste!!! Your customer agent is the one that recommended these to me years ago. Use to purchase Arturo Fuentes Doubles. Please resist raising the price anymore!! Just because we found a great one, let us have one to enjoy! We’ll buy more and you’ll still make money 🤪 5 5 1
Magnifico IMO this stick is better than most at the same price point. 4 5 1
Magnifico I enjoy these cigars on a regular basis for the past several years. 5 5 1
Magnifico I love this cigar, I usually have a box of these along with others but still prefer this one. The deep flavor is perfect if you like a stronger cigar. There wont be a time when at least a few of these aren’t in my humidor. 5 5 1
Magnifico I ordered a package of five with high hopes, since I generally like this type of cigar and Partagas is well-regarded. The flavor was nice and fairly full like most maduro-wrapped cigars, but the pull was very heavy, as if the cigar was packed too tightly. The burn was quite uneven and required a lot of tending to to keep from getting out of hand. With three or so inches left, the cap detached, leading to the wrapper unraveling. After making frustrating efforts to keep the cigar together I eventually gave up with a significant portion wasted. I smoked a second cigar hoping that the disappointments with the first were anomalies. The draw was much better on the second but still a bit firm. This made the smoke more pleasant, although nothing to write home about. But again the burn was frustratingly uneven and cap came off and the cigar unraveled before I was finished with it. I don’t have these problems with other cigars, so these were very disappointing. I might just give the rest away to make room in my humidor. 2 5 1
Magnifico Bursting with flavor, this was an outstanding cigar. I can't/don't do flavor profiles. It was simply an enjoyable smoke. Definitely on the bolder side. Will get more. 5 5 1
Magnifico if you like full bodied smokes this is a top pick - well made - good draw - lots of flavors. paired with strong scotch neat and makes an enjoyable evening 5 5 1
Magnifico First let me say I was really enjoying your company’s prices, discounts, Auctions, service and JR plus program! Stuff is discontinued and not honored any longer!! I’m considering searching for another source for my cigars? I’m a good customer and loyal! I was advised in my profession to evaluate your direction often and correct them immediately! Please pay attention and respond to the customers. I’m speaking for many others. 5 5 1
Magnifico Not sure how this cigar came close to a 90 rating. Bad taste for a maduro, bad draw, kept going out, and ash fluttered all over the place. This is not representative of a good quality Partagas cigar. I bought the 5-pack and will be fair and try this cigar again but not before I clear out the smell/taste/disappointment of the first one. 2 5 1
Magnifico I wrote my first review on Jul 30, 2024 after having smoked the first of a pack of 5. My original review was not good. However, I left the remaining four to sit in the humidor all this time to see if possibly they may improve. I have to admit the second cigar was significantly better than the first. Not sure if I just got a bad one or if truly they needed time in a humidor before smoking. I can definitely smoke these cigars. Hoping the remaining three are just as good as the second was. 4 5 1
Magnifico Big, complicated taste. Elegant construction. As someone else wrote on here, large, satisfying plumes of smoke. The Platonic ideal of a rich, affordable cigar. 5 5 1

Partagas Black Label

Magnifico 6 × 54 PABM

Packaged in a box of 20, the Magnifico is a hefty Toro that comes with a lot of heavy flavor. Its filler has a nice blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican vintage tobaccos. Its wrapper is a unique Connecticut Medio Tiempo that’s both maduro and sun grown. This creates a nice mix of spicy with a dark sweet taste.
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Connecticut Medio Tiempo

Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic / Nicaragua

Dominican Republic



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