Produced by the legendary JC Newman Company in Estelí, Nicaragua, Perla del Mar Cigars mark the return of a historically famous brand that traces its roots back to Cuba in 1905. As for the name, Cuba is often referred to as the “Pearl of the Sea” for its fertile growing regions that arguably produce the best cigars on the planet. To fully capture the essence and grandeur of the original offering, each Perla del Mar cigar utilizes a core of the finest aged Nicaraguan binder and long filler tobacco surrounded by your choice of either a rich Corojo, smooth Connecticut, or a dark and luscious maduro wrapper. These nostalgic premium cigars are smooth, fragrant, and highly complex, offering a mellow-medium bodied tapestry of cocoa, chocolate, nuts, earth, leather creamy caramel, and more, depending on which wrapper style that you choose. Buy an affordable box of Perla del Mar cigars when shopping online at JR Cigar and enjoy a delicious smoke that harkens back to the glory days when Cuban cigars were king.