For smokers everywhere, the Davidoff brand hits differently, and not just in a literal sense. Davidoff is to cigars what Rolex is to watches, or a fine clothing designer is to your favorite shirts and ties. There is an expectation of excellence, and a rich history of premium quality ingredients that set the stage for an unforgettable and unparalleled smoking experience. So, when Davidoff announced the release of Avo Expressions in 2024, a limited edition medium-bodied cigar produced in collaboration with Derrick T. Jones—also known as the celebrated DJ D-Nice—expectations were high. The result, of course, would go on to surpass our highest hopes for the project. Featuring a wrapper from Ecuador and fillers from both the Dominican Republic and the United States, the secret to this cigar’s success is in the barrel aging process of some of its tobacco. This, according to Avo, lends a caramel hint to a cigar with an already luscious flavor profile. A tribute to artistic expression, the brand has long since had an affiliation with music since its inception by founder, the late Avo Uvezian, jazz pianist and composer. In collaborating with Jones, the team at Davidoff and Avo wanted to showcase what was possible when marrying artistry between two different industries. Across other brands in the industry, we’ve seen musicians, artists, distillers, and creatives of all types come together to make some of the most talked-about cigars on the market. The Expressions line most certainly fits that bill as well. Drawing in caliber of the celebrity the likes of Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, Janet Jackson and Rihanna, Jones became a star of the COVID-19 pandemic hosting a virtual dance party. But long before, Jones had an incredibly successful career in his own right. As a long time musical artist, a photographer and creative producer, he brings a unique retrospect to the table with years of experience in the art industry. Like the Davidoff mission on this project, he has a specialty in bringing people together to showcase the best of life and to reinforce a mission of free expression. The Expressions cigar moves from sweet cream and cedarwood into a second phase of coffee, clove, and nougat before finishing off with the barrel aged caramel notes rounded out by buttercream and roasted coffee. The smokes come beautifully boxed in packages of 15, with an intricate woodwork display on the front, denoting that this is, indeed, a limited-edition release unlike any other. Smokers would be wise to jump on the Expressions line before it’s too late. Collaborations like this tend to sell quickly and may have a short time on store shelves and online. This is especially true when the genesis for these incredible tastes is via some of the most creative minds in both cigars and in music.