Introducing a Very Affordable Davidoff Cigar!
Private Stock by Davidoff Cigars are a dream come true for cigar enthusiasts that always found the ultra-premium Davidoff brand extremely desirable, but a bit too rich for their blood to enjoy on a daily basis.
First off, as some of you may have read, these are not factory seconds, mistakes, or throwaways, they are a regular production line of cigars made at the famous Davidoff of Geneva factory in the Dominican Republic. Private Stock cigars are rolled in five popular sizes with same top-quality Dominican binder and long filler tobaccos used in the brands higher-end lines, finished with your choice of either a silky golden-brown Connecticut, or a darker, oilier, Broadleaf Maduro wrapper. Davidoff ‘s strategy to control the cost was by using simple bands and simple cedar slide top boxes coupled with little promotion. In doing this, they have created one of the best cigar deals in brand history, that brings luxury Davidoff quality and flavor to the masses.
So far, the consumer feedback has been very positive, as most of our customers have found them every bit as consistent as the Davidoff cigars costing three or four times more, and this reflects in the cigars continuously high sales.
Although not quite as complex as other Davidoff offerings, this is still a very satisfying smoke with straightforward flavors of coffee, leather, roasted nuts, and subtle hints of spice, with the maduro wrapped variety adding some yummy layers of chocolate to the mix.
Private Stock cigars boast a solid medium body profile making it a perfect choice for both newcomers and well-seasoned aficionados looking for an ideal morning to mid-day smoke. In addition, with such an affordable price, smokers of all experience levels will enjoy a handmade premium cigar from one of the world’s most prestigious names that won’t put a dent in their budget.
Davidoff cigars are always in extremely high demand, and with such a favorable price point, brand enthusiasts will continue to purchase Private Stock cigars at a frenzied pace, so we highly suggest that you order yours soon before you are dealing with the dreaded backorder!