Ashton Humidors: Top Quality and Refinement for a Reasonable Price
Ashton is a luxury name in cigars beloved the world over for its many blends that use the finest binder and long filler tobaccos covered by stunning top-quality wrappers. This same commitment to excellence can be found on their extraordinarily well-crafted line of humidors. Let’s take a close-up look at three popular models in different sizes that we sell online right here on the JR Cigar website
The Ashton Pearwood Cigar Humidors available in both a 25 and 100 cigar storage capacity are the epitome of excellence in contemporary design. With its light citrus hue wood grain pattern, highlighted by a high gloss finish, this gorgeous unit will stand out in any home, office, or cigar den décor. The premium kiln-dried Spanish cedar interior will encourage the all-important aging process, and a top-quality humidification unit, along with a very accurate hygrometer, provides you with a very dependable way to keep your favorite cigars in perfect smoking condition.
The Ashton Walnut Humidor showcases a rich swirly wood grain within its deep ebony hue. The interior is lined with a carefully aged kiln-dried Spanish cedar interior that encourages further aging while enhancing the flavors and aromas of your favorite premium cigars. The patented Savoy 2-way humidification system keeps your smokes perfectly fresh with little maintenance required, while the analog hygrometer provides you with accurate humidity levels. The 20-25 cigar capacity is perfect for smaller collections that you keep on your desktop or table, while the Ashton Walnut Humidor Medium has a storage capacity of 50 cigars for slightly larger collections.
The Ashton Rosewood Humidor, also available in 25 and 100 count storage capacities displays a beautiful reddish-brown straight grain wood pattern that perfectly accents any home or office decor. This sleek and stylish unit holds your favorite premium cigars in a carefully aged Spanish cedar interior that is vital to further aging. The patented 2-way humidification system keeps your smokes perfectly fresh with little maintenance required, while the analog hygrometer provides you with accurate humidity levels.
The famous Ashton name alone, along with the humidors airtight seal and perfect fit and finish, could easily fetch top-dollar, but these heirloom-worthy humidors come with a very reasonable price tag. Check them all out and find the perfect model for you!