Welcome To Cigar School!
A Cigar Reference and a Cigar Guide for Our Customers
There’s so much to learn about cigars, so where do you even begin? Well, we’d reckon the solution is pretty simple. As part of our University portion of the website, JR’s Cigar School features fourteen unique lessons dedicated to unravelling the mysteries that shroud the cigar. You’ll be guided through the distinct parts of the stogie, find tips on lighting and cutting, see proper cigar storage techniques and even locate the world’s top growing regions. These lessons are the perfect introduction to cigar smoking for beginners – and a nice refresher for aficionados. We guarantee you’ll be an expert in no time at all when you start learning about cigars with JR.
Table Of Contents
Lesson 1
Cigar Parts
Lesson 2
Cigar Characteristics
Lesson 3
How Cigars are Made
Lesson 4
Handmade Cigars
Lesson 5
Dry Cured Cigars
Lesson 6
Machine Made Cigars
Lesson 7
JR Alternatives
Lesson 8
Cigar Packaging
Lesson 9
Cutting the Cigar
Lesson 10
Lighting the Cigar
Lesson 11
Cigar Care & Storage
Lesson 12
Growing Regions
Lesson 13
Pipe Tobacco “101”
Lesson 14
Types of Pipes