The Difference between a Cuban Romeo y Julieta Cigar and Dominican Romeo y Julieta Cigar
When it comes to the history of Cuban cigars, the legacy of the Cuban Romeo y Julieta carries with it notions of quality, craftsmanship, and tradition. It is regarded among Habanos cigar smokers worldwide as one of the finest cigars in production. While the Cuban cigar version has always been in high demand due to its quality and status, its Dominican cigar version is among the most purchased cigars in the United States, available at cigar stores across the country.
The Cuban Romeo y Julieta brand formerly began in Cuba in 1875 by two men, Inocencio Alvarez and Manin Garcia. Even in its early years, this Cuban Cigar brand became highly respected and quite popular. It was entered in tasting contests around the world and was awarded several gold medals for the best Cuban cigar. They pay homage to the Dominican cigar today, with the medals present on the cigar band.
Since the turn of the century, the Cuban Romeo y Julieta brand is still seen as the first choice for a true Cuban cigar aficionado. They were the favored cigars of the great Winston Churchill. His endorsement of the cigar did so well for the brand, they eventually named a signature size after him, a size that is still their front mark – the Churchill. This was a Cuban cigar for the boutique smoker, the luxury smoker, and the elegant smoker.
All seemed to be going well for the brand until, like many cigar manufacturers, political unrest forever changed its history. Following the Cuban revolution and the nationalization of the cigar industry, the brand was moved to its current location in La Romana, Dominican Republic. There, at the famed Tabacalera de Garcia factory, the ever-so-popular Dominican Romeo y Julieta cigarsa are produced. It is without a doubt one of the most popular cigars on the American market and can be found in every brick and mortar store. Cuba still maintains the rights to the Cuban cigar lines and continues to produce them to this day. It still maintains its very established reputation with the Habanos cigar smokers around the world.
The difference between the Cuban and Dominican cigars that carry the Romeo y Julieta name is simply location. They are both high quality premium cigars that are popular among their respected demographics. While the Cuban Cigar stores are not allowed in the US just yet, the Dominican Romeo y Julieta can be purchased right here at JR Cigars. Check out the Nicaraguan versions too.
Hear from our cigar aficionado and his break down the differences of the two types origins:
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