With its enormous popularity, and heralded praise by experts worldwide, if you are a knowledgeable cigar smoker, you’ve most likely asked the question “Are Cohiba Cuban Cigars Better Than the Rest”? Price and availability aside, there are three major components to judging the quality of a cigar, one is construction, the second is consistency, and the most important aspect is flavor. Since its inception Cuban Cohiba cigars, in many experts’ opinions, have topped all three categories, because Cuban Cohiba cigars are puros filled with only the finest leaves grown in the famous Vuelta Abajo region of the country— an area blessed with the best climate and nutrient dense soils for growing these and all other Cuban brand tobaccos. These top-shelf cigars are then rolled by highly-skilled Cuban Torcedors, many with generations of cigar making expertise. In addition, premium tobaccos that come from these soils impart distinctive flavors and aromas, that are unlike any other found in the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Nicaragua— the three main countries where American consumers can legally buy their cigars. However, there is a caveat here, because the Cuban cigar industry is a state-run monopoly that lately has been plagued with poor financial resources to have enough good tobacco to supply the different brands, and, with such high demand and short supply, there are still a very few instances in which the Cuban Cohiba cigars, and all others, are rushed into production without proper aging. Luckily, this shortfall can easily be remedied by allowing your Cohiba Cuban cigar to rest in your humidor for a month or two before lighting it up. Therefore, when the ultra-premium Cuban Cohiba cigars were finally released to the public in 1982, it quickly became the most sought-after and best Cuban cigar on the planet.
Now, on the opposite end of the spectrum, many of these famous Cuban born rollers and blenders have migrated to these other Central American countries where the American buck has brought in a wealth of money to grow extremely fertile tobaccos in very large quantities, allowing them to blend and fashion consistently delicious cigars year after year with the unmatched skills that they acquired in their homeland.
That said, if you are lucky enough to get your hands on a genuine Cuban Cohiba cigar that has been properly aged and fermented you are in for a very special treat! In fact, the Cuban Cohiba cigars continuously score 90 -plus ratings from just about all the major cigar publications, both online and in periodical form, thanks to its intensely delicious full-bodied flavors of white pepper, baking spices, cocoa, earth, and sweet cream.
You also must realize that premium cigars are always made by hand, so whether you choose a Cuban Cohiba cigar or one of your favorite non-Cuban brands, there is a very slight chance that you can still get a sub-par cigar due to human error, because even though every factory runs a series of quality control inspections, a few unlucky sticks can occasionally slip through the cracks.
So, in an even playing field, a perfectly rolled and fully aged Cohiba Cuban cigar, and a top-rated non-Cuban brand, will both offer extremely satisfying flavors for experienced cigar aficionados that prefer a bold full-flavored blend.
Are Cohiba Cuban Cigars Better Than the Rest? All things considered, we’d call it a dead-even tie, because taste is always subjective, and in a side by side comparison, only you can be the judge.