For anyone who knows me, you know I don’t mind spending money on quality. I tend to ignore price points and just examine the product and see if it is worth it. That means I’ve found quite a few expensive cigars or accessories to be worth the money, and quite a few that weren’t. You don’t need to spend a lot of money to find a quality product, it again just depends on the product.
Take humidors, for instance. We have a large selection of quality humidors of all shapes, sizes, and prices. There are several more expensive options that I feel are worth their price tag.
However, we also have some great humidors that are perfect for a smoker on a budget. For this article, we are going to examine some options of both high-end expensive humidors, but also some lower-priced yet quality pieces.
Bally 100 Count
For a solid, wooden option, I’d look no further than the Bally. The stunning, crafted humidor holds up to 100 cigars with a glass top lid to see those special smokes come to life.
The Bally is finished in exotic Bubinga wood and features a stainless steel plated external hygrometer. Air-dried, aromatic Spanish cedar lines the inside of this beautifully crafted box. What’s more, it also features a premium humidifier.
The key characteristics of the Bally are its design, easy maintenance, and its price. You would be hard-pressed to find a 100 count humidor of this quality for less money.
Leaf 25 Count
For a great everyday desk style humidor, with a little bit of flair, the Leaf is a great option. This 25 count humidor is lined with Spanish cedar and comes with all the required accessories, including a hydrometer.
While it might not hold that many cigars, it is a great accent piece that is perfect for keeping your stash of higher-end smokes. The artwork on the lid is the real kicker. The Leaf art adds a touch of class and decor to what is already a quality piece.
Xikar Xtreme 15 Count
When cigar smokers hear the name “Xikar”, their minds are immediately brought to thoughts of quality and consistency. Being one of the leading manufacturers of cigar accessories, it makes sense that Xikar also creates some of the most durable and affordable travel humidors on the market.
The Xtreme 15 count is the perfect travel humidor. It is airtight, solid, and can fit in any suitcase or travel bag. This is my go-to humidor for any kind of traveling and will be for years to come.
San Tropez Cherry 200 Count
This beautiful nautical-themed humidor will keep up to 200 cigars fresh while looking great in any room. The San Tropez has a premium Cherrywood finish over linen that’s accented with tarnished brass corners. San Tropez features patented “ SureSeal” technology, for a snug airtight seal, a top tray with divider, two bottom dividers, lock & key set, a powerful humidifier, and an accurate glass hygrometer.
Besides this, it incorporates a top-quality kiln-dried Spanish cedar lining to enhance your cigar flavors and aromas, while promoting the all-important aging process. In addition, it has scratch resistant felt bottom, and an engravable nameplate, making this a high-end piece that is definitely worth the money.
Baccus Two Tone 200 Count
The Baccus is one of my favorite humidors, both in functionality and overall design. Boasting a striking modern art deco design, this humidor will keep your cigars fresh and will look good while doing it.
Just below its lock and key, a door opens revealing three cedar-lined pull out drawers with beautifully crafted gold handles. Each side of the Baccus contains a black side swing door that when opened, it reveals two pivoting drop compartments, which can store your accessories or additional cigars.
All storage sections are fully lined with the best Kiln-dried Spanish cedar to marry your cigar flavors and aromas while enhancing further aging. This humidor has a gorgeous hand-rubbed lacquer finish and is equipped with a large humidifier, hygrometer, and stores up to 200 cigars. While it’s on the pricey side, this is a great investment to make in your cigars future.