There is no historical figure more iconic in the cigar industry then the great Winston Churchill. The late Prime Minister took charge of a nation on the verge of destruction and through sheer determination and will saw them through their darkest time to emerge victoriously. He did this while smoking 10 cigars a day and enjoy his favorite beverages, namely whiskey, and brandy.
Davidoff, one of the most prestigious members of the cigar community, worked together with the members of the Churchill family to craft an outstanding blend in his honor. The Davidoff Winston Churchill White Label went on to become one of their biggest releases of all time and is already known as one of the finest cigars on the market.
This year, the Davidoff team, again in conjunction with the Churchill family, saw to bring a darker look and feel to the line. In doing so they crafted one of the most anticipated cigars of the year and the strongest Davidoff on record.
The Davidoff Winston Churchill: The Late Hour takes its inspiration from the man himself. While after working all day, many people retire to their bedrooms, Winston was awake, working tirelessly on strategy and speeches to lead his country to victory. It is in the late hours of the night where some find their inspiration.
In true Churchill fashion, this cigar has an added bonus. Some of the tobaccos used in the cigar are aged for 6 months in single malt scotch barrels, adding a new wave of rich interesting flavors. With its Dominican and Nicaraguan fillers, Mexican binder and luscious Ecuadorian wrapper, the Late Hour is a flavor bomb. Intense notes of rich stout, dark chocolate and a smooth spice from the scotch barrel combine for an all-out offensive on your taste buds. It is complex, burley yet maintains the signature smoothness you would expect from Davidoff.
When the sun sets and the stars are out, this is the cigar you should enjoy. Get your box of the Davidoff Winston Churchill the Late Hour right here at JR Cigars.