Acid Purple Croqueta
For 20 years, Acid Cigars have been the backbone of the infused cigar industry. Acid cigars are not only responsible for making Drew Estate one of the largest cigar manufacturers in the world but also for changing the perception of infused cigars. The Kuba Kuba and Blondie line from Acid are among the best selling cigars in the world and can be found on the shelves of cigar shops across the country. This year, Drew Estate is pleased to bring you another delicious and innovative addition to the Acid cigar lineup.
The Acid Purple Croqueta is not just one new cigar, it is in fact two. This high quality infused masterpiece is actually two separate, 2.5X50 cigars that come in one tube. They are handcrafted with premium tobaccos including a rich Mexican San Andres wrapper for a touch of sweet chocolate. The cigar is infused with a secret blend of herbs and oil flavors to give it that signature Acid cigar profile.
The team here at JR Cigars has always been proud of our extensive line of Acid cigars and we are nor incredibly happy to offer you the new Acid Purple Croqueta. If you buy cigars online and love the infused majesty of Acid cigars, you can pick up the entire line right here at JR Cigars.